About Us

About Us

Herbal plants with their active nutrients have been used as an adjuvant therapy since ages. Their consumption provides us with multiple benefits such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and nutritional components. Usual presentations of these natural herbs is extremely unpalatable and unpresentable. They might be bitter, sour or loaded with sugar which add to empty calories.

ACT is a company founded with belief that such products should be palatable, convenient and nutritious not loosing their benefits. Our this belief, has helped us create an innovative product line which not only has all the benefits of the active ingredients but has been presented in a convenient, tasty and scientific format.

Dr Amita Birla Paediatrician by qualification is the director of the firm. We started our journey in 2013 and helped patient access medicines across India and Globe. Our approach has been to give appropriate care to all. Traditional Indian systems of medicines has helped us all during the growing age right from haldi milk to cumin. The entire concept of ACT products is to help people consume these products which helps increase vitality in daily life with ease. We are working hard to innovate the product lines which will touch life of people in India and globally to consume healthy high quality ingredients in palatable way.



Plot Number A 436 2nd floor,
Vashi Plaza, Sector 17, Vashi,
New Mumbai - 400703




+91 932 441 6635

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